You know that adage old saying: "put your health into your own hands"? Well, I often take that quite literal. This is one of the main reasons why I prefer preparing my own foods, over buying them in convenience stores. My dairy-free nut milks are no different, especially being that I suffer from IBS. To avoid having to read labels, creating a homemade version will ensure that your health is actually in your hands.

If interested in making this quick and easy homemade cashew mylk, all you will need is 5 ingredients (as shown above).
- 1 cup of Cashews. Be sure to cover them in water and soak between 6-12 hours. The longer they soak, the better for processing.
- 8 Medjool Dates
- 1 tbs of Vanilla Extract
- 1 pinch of Sea Salt
- 4 cups of water
Once you have allowed your cashews to soak overnight, gather all of your ingredients and blend for roughly two minutes. As you can see below, I was able to produce roughly 56 ounces of my homemade cashew mylk. Be sure to place in the fridge to chill prior to consuming.

It should be no secret that cashews are high in mood-boosting benefits. In fact, "just two handfuls of cashews is the therapeutic equivalent of a prescription dose of prozac, (FoodMatters). Go figure! I like cashews because I can not only chew them raw, but drink AND use as a non-dairy base to various sauce/cream recipes, such as Alfredo.
*Please do not consume, if you have a nut allergy.*