Its no secret that I believe wholeheartedly in holistic health. I had gone 30+ years without ever receiving a flu shot and due to my working in a psychiatric hospital, I received my first one in 2012. A few days after getting that shot, I became seriously ill. I know, you are supposed to get the flu, while your body builds up "antibodies" - and while never having had a shot or the flu, I absolutely hated how I felt. The sickness lingered on for a couple of weeks and I vowed to never get a flu shot again.

In walks my idea of the flu shot, via my at home juicer...
Here's what you'll need:
- 2 carrots
- 4 garlic cloves
- 1/2 lemon
- 1 ginger numb
- 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
This recipe is good for one person. Be sure to get a head start on upcoming cold/flu season with natural healing. Your health is so important during this time of year!
Here are a few recipes that I use when I am want to build resistance: cold tottie recipe and immune boost juice recipe.