Best Ingredients for Juicing

Being that you are reading this post, my hope is that you are alive and well in the new year! I am back home from traveling for the holidays and have opened my gift from my special Santa and am so excited to own my very first juicer! As you may already know from reading the blog, I am an avid smoothie maker, however I recently learned that I had too much fiber in my diet and cutting back has been somewhat difficult. Originally I began to skip making smoothies every day, but I knew that I was also limiting my daily intake of fruits and veggies, so my plan now is to alternate days of smoothies and juices.

Maybe you are like me and have little to no experience with juicing yourself, so I decided to create a blog with some ingredients that will provide you with the most juice.
  • kale
  • carrots
  • citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes
  • apples and pears
  • celery
  • cucumbers
  • watermelons
  • beets
  • ginger
During the holiday break, I took time to watch the film, "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" and afterwards, I felt extremely inspired to try as many juice recipes as possible. If you have not seen the film, I highly recommend it!

I like to experiment with various recipes, so stay tuned! Happy juicing!