"If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capabale of being, then I warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life." - Abraham Maslow
I read the above quote in a magazine article last month and I could not help but reflect on it as I type this post. If you do not know me personally, let me tell you that I spend a great deal of time thinking, reading, journaling, and just living in my head! My life is one of purpose and I am always striving.
Anywho, with that being said, I am consistently challenging those around me to be greater than they were yesterday, but that is almost impossible without setting goals and most importantly, setting intentions.

A healthy practice would also be to include goals that include deadlines. So for personal growth, I may write down: to read 4 books in the first 3 months. After the 3rd month, I will follow-up with my goals and make sure that I accomplished what I said I would do. It is also good to revisit your journaling at the end of the year, to see what you were able to bring to life...or not!
Wishing all of you a very Happy 2014! I hope that it is filled with love, purpose and good health!
Thank you for being apart of the Food-Mood journey this year!!
Go be great,